Children’s Vision

Your child may suffer from visual problems that affect their learning. Bring them into the Omni Eye Centre for an assessment and talk to us about our vision programs for children.

Children's Optometrist

Are you a parent who might be wondering about your child's visual development? Can they see the board clearly at school? Are they struggling to read and keep up with the rest of the class?

These are some of the questions concerned mums and dads may be asking themselves.

At Omni we provide paediatric ophthalmology services as well as behavioural optometry principles to ensure kids look, develop and ultimately see well.

The early years of life from birth until the age of around eight are crucial for a child's visual and learning development.

Vision is a bit like plasticine and can be moulded into place within these early critical years. If there is presence of a lazy, crossed or turned eye, we can provide exercises, patching or eye drop therapy to help the weaker eye catch up to the good eye.

Vision therapy can also help to develop good ocular skills. Vision therapy is a series of treatment procedures we commonly prescribe which may compliment glasses or contact lenses. Vision therapy can be thought of as a form of ocular physiotherapy during which vision disorders are corrected to improve children's visual function, endurance and performance.

Other factors such as colour vision, eye health disorders and issues with the visual pathway's neuronal wiring can also contribute to behavioural and learning difficulties.

If your child is sitting too close to the TV, constantly rubbing or blinking their eyes, squinting, having difficulties in reading, having trouble tracking an object, suffering a watery eye or if there is a known history of eye conditions in the family then give yourself and your child peace of mind by bringing them in for a comprehensive eye assessment.


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8 Gray St. Kogarah NSW

Hours of operation

OPEN: Monday to Thursday 8:30-1:00pm
CLOSED: Friday to Sunday
OTHER: By special appointment only